19 research outputs found

    Level of Management Innovation at the Palestinian Ministries

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    This research aims to investigate the level of management innovation at the Palestinian ministries. The different variables which influence innovation were examined. These variables include, directing a creative business, developing creative capability, building a creative culture, managing learning for new ideas, organizing for creativity and taking wise decisions. Descriptive analytical methods were utilized. In addition, both primary and secondary sources were used. Further a stratified random sample of 400 persons was used. The Palestinian ministries enjoy a satisfactory level of innovation. However, they do not encourage the flow of new ideas. The rules and regulations are allowed to hinder work and directors do not encourage direct communication with their subordinates. Further, the organizations' of Palestinian ministries were not support creativity or taking wise decisions. The study recommended establishing a creative culture of innovation. This requires long-term training and education strategy. Regulations and bylaws should be improved. Directors should empower their subordinates and encourage direct communication with them

    The Impact of Higher Education Programs on Students’ Entrepreneurship Knowledge, Skills And Attitudes

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    Abstract: This paper aims to explore and analyses the impact of higher education programs on students’ entrepreneurship knowledge, skills and attitudes in Palestine. It investigates the relationships between education and entrepreneurship using a case study research approach. Design/methodology/approach – During the academic year 2014-2015, a questionnaire survey was distributed to a sample of 380 final-year students and graduates of business, engineering and IT in Palestine. Furthermore a series of in-depth and semi-structured interviews was conducted with experts in order to capture the integral aspects of the phenomena under investigation (i.e. a more comprehensive understanding of the students’ adverse intentions towards entrepreneurship). Findings: The findings suggest that students’ entrepreneurial knowledge and skills in Palestine are moderate. University curriculum is weak in teaching students on identifying business opportunities, environmental analysis and innovation. Also weak in improving students skills in negotiations, taking a calculated risk, managerial skills in planning, organizing, leading and delegating, team work, monitoring and evaluation. In addition, a moderate level of motivations were found among students and graduates to launch their businesses. They were hardly received technical or managerial advices to establish or run their businesses

    Performance Evaluation of Large Food Manufacturing Establishments in the Gaza Strip by Using the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Approach

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    The purpose of this research was to evaluate the level of performance at large food manufacturing establishments in the Gaza Strip by using the BSC. The evaluation was considered, the financial perspective, customer satisfaction, learning and growth perspective and internal process perspective. The study population was incorporated all Gaza's large food manufacturing establishments which employ 20 persons or more. The number of these companies was 20 establishments. The research was used a stratified random sample. The sample size was 125 persons. The sample was selected from employees, managers and owners of the establishments. A questionnaire was used as a main tool for data collection. The study was concluded that the performance of large food manufacturing sector was satisfactory. The mean value of the BSC was 3.29. In addition, the study was indicated a low level of delegation, innovation and low loyalty among employees. Moreover, the financial performance was the weakest among the other dimensions of the BSC. The study came up with some recommendations include, the need of using the BSC as a comprehensive tool of performance evaluation. However to make the use of BSC accessible for companies three important things need to be done: 1) develop a data collection system at companies about the four dimensions of BSC, 2) develop and install a suitable software program to apply BSC and 3) train a staff who is able and willing to use the system and competent to benefit from data collection

    سياسات وبرامج التحفيز المقترحة لتطوير الصناعة في قطاع غزة

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    The aim of this paper is to identify the policies, programmes which are needed to improve the industrial sector in the Gaza Strip. The study focuses on the policies which are needed to be implemented “immediately”1 rather than those which might be envisaged within long-term scenarios. It is important to point out that the measures and projects which are essential to improve and develop industry in the Gaza Strip are deeply intertwined, that it will be extremely difficult to draw a demarcation line between those needed to be achieved immediately and those required at a later point in time. The selection of appropriate projects and relevant implementation modalities along any point on this spectrum is contingent on overriding economic, political and technological circumstances of the territory. The study employs both primary and secondary data collected in the following manner: 1) Palestinian Statistics. 2) Reviewing the literature including, books, reports, statistics and articles. This study consists of two sections: 1) The Characteristics of Gaza's industrial establishments; 2) policies and programmes of incentives.سياسات وبرامج التحفيز المقترحة لتطوير الصناعة في قطاع غز

    A proposed Entrepreneurial Development Model to Palestine

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    Level of management innovation at the Palestinian ministries

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    This research aims to investigate the level of management innovation at the Palestinian ministries. The different variables which influence innovation were examined. These variables include, directing a creative business, developing creative capability, building a creative culture, managing learning for new ideas, organizing for creativity and taking wise decisions. Descriptive analytical methods were utilized. In addition, both primary and secondary sources were used. Further a stratified random sample of 400 persons was used. The Palestinian ministries enjoy a satisfactory level of innovation. However, they do not encourage the flow of new ideas. The rules and regulations are allowed to hinder work and directors do not encourage direct communication with their subordinates. Further, the organizations' of Palestinian ministries were not support creativity or taking wise decisions. The study recommended

    Internal constraints on the process of industrialization in Gaza

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    This paper examines the internal constraints on Gaza's manufacturing sector during the Israeli occupation. Manufacturing development was constrained by the Israeli occupation, but the authors chose to look at the situation from Gaza's point of view, and examine the attitudes and the effects of the lack of industrial experience on manufacturing. Internal constraints include the ‘lack of an adequate skills base’, ‘a misunderstanding and distrust of marketing’, ‘unsophisticated attitudes towards finance and the value of time’, ‘price being seen as more important than quality’ and ‘authoritarian attitudes to management practice’. Local education and training are struggling to remedy aspects of this situation but they presently lack the resources. There was a widespread lack of understanding of the concept of a company as a separate entity

    معوقات البحوث الإدارية في فلسطين

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    Barriers of Managerial Researches in Palestineيعاني المجتمع الفلسطيني من النقص الحاد في عدد البحوث الإدارية التطبيقية، حيث لا تتجاوز عدد الأبحاث الإدارية السنوية المنشورة على مستوى الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة العشر بحوث. وتعد معظم هذه الأبحاث من قبل أساتذة جامعيون يهدفون من وراء ذلك في معظم الأحوال إلى الحصول على الترقية الأكاديمية. وبسبب قلة المراكز البحثية الإدارية المتخصصة في فلسطين، وعدم تخصيص موازنات للبحوث الإدارية، وقلة الكفاءات البحثية خارج الجامعات … الخ يندر إصدار أبحاث إدارية تطبيقية خارج الجامعات الفلسطينية. إن قيام الأستاذ الجامعي بالأبحاث الأكاديمية التطبيقية يحقق هدفين رئيسيين وهما: 1) البحث العلمي يعتبر جزءا هاما في حياة الأستاذ الجامعي العلمية حيث يعطى الأستاذ الفرصة على ربط النظرية بالواقع وهذا يزيد من ربط الأستاذ بالبيئة المحلية وما ينتج عنة من زيادة في تشوق طلبته للمادة التي يدرسها. 2) لا يمكن حصول الأستاذ الجامعي على الترقية العلمية إلا من خلال القيام بأبحاث دراسية منشورة ومحكمة. يهدف هذا البحث إلى التطرق إلى معوقات البحوث الإدارية في فلسطين مع التركيز بشكل خاص على جامعات قطاع غزة والتي تدرس العلوم الإدارية والمالية. هناك العديد من معوقات البحوث الإدارية في فلسطين ومنها: نقص عدد الكفاءات والمهارات البحثية، معوقات مالية راجعة لعدم تخصيص موازنات للبحث العلمي، معوقات إدارية بيروقراطية راجعة إلى عدم المتابعة الجيدة لعمليات النشر والتحكيم من قبل الجامعات ومؤسسات النشر، عدم توفر المعلومات و المراجع العلمية ، تكليف الأستاذ الجامعي بأمور إدارية وإشرافية وإرشادية تقلل من الوقت الممكن تخصيصه للبحث. لقد جاءت هذه الدراسة لكي تحصر وتقيم هذه المعوقات ولتقدم التوصيات الملائمة لعلاجها. لعلم الباحث لم يتم القيام بدراسات علمية بعد عن معوقات البحوث الإدارية في فلسطين، أو في قطاع غزة بشكل خاص. إن القيام بمثل هذه الدراسة سوف يضيف جديدا إلى عالم المعرفة وقد يسهم في تطوير البحث العلمي في جامعات غزة بشكل عام وفي كليات التجارة الجامعية في فلسطين بشكل خاص

    Proposed Strategy for the Development of the Palestinian NGO sector

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    1. This strategy is intended for the broad range of non-governmental organizations in Palestine. The initiative to prepare this strategy came from the Project Management Office (PMO) of the Palestinian NGO (PNGO) Project of the World Bank in preparation for the third phase of PNGO. However, the strategy is not intended to be a strategy of the PMO for PNGO III only. It is crafted to address the alleged weaknesses of NGOs and the expectations of stakeholders of the role that they should play in responding both to current problems as well as long-term concerns. It is expected that implementation will be a collaborative undertaking by different stakeholders

    Implementing Knowledge Management in the Palestinian Public Sector Institutions: Empirical Study on the Presidency of the Palestinian Government

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    This paper focuses on bridging the theoretical and empirical approaches of KM key enablers in the Palestinian public sector, which are essential to facilitate and ensure a successful implementation of KM; these key enablers are: Organizational Culture, Leadership, Personnel, Information technology. For this purpose, a questionnaire was personally distributed to all (46) technical, administrative, and supervisory employees working at the Presidency of the Palestinian Government. Total of (44) fully answered questionnaires were received. The results showed a significant positive relationship between KM key enablers and the level of performance in the Palestinian Ministers’ Council by 0.829. It also indicated that 70% of the variation in the performance level has been significantly explained and influenced by KM key enablers. The recommendations proposed by this paper will provide a strategic direction for the Palestinian public administration to act more effectively with KM practices, and pay a focused attention to its key enablers